Dogs going to friends

Dogs going to friends

Are you going on holiday and leaving your dog with friends or family, who don´t own a dog?

If so, I´ve just read an article by ¨find my lost dog¨ and it stresses some good points that we, as dog owners, might take for granted that everyone knows.

Most people are aware that a car is a dangerous place for dogs to be left in the heat of the summer, but what most people don´t consider is the amount of time a dog can quickly deteriorate.

A chat with a teacher, a stop-off for groceries, a chat with someone you haven´t seen for a while, popping in to make a doctor´s appointment, all these everyday situations can endanger dogs when the minutes’ tick away.

The article by ´find my lost dog´ suggests a few ways of getting the message across to people who might not be aware. However, I´m one of those worriers who has to make sure the message is loud and clear! “Please don´t leave the dog in the car, even for a few minutes. It can kill them.”

The RSPCA says that when temperatures are 22c outside, the inside of a car can get to 47c in less than an hour. A dog can die within twenty minutes. So that ´quick´ stop at the shops, that chat, or the waiting in the doctor´s queue, can make all the difference to a dog´s well-being.

So if you have friends, relatives, or helpful neighbours looking after your dog, just make sure they are aware of the awful consequences of leaving a dog in a car on a warm or worse still, a hot day.

Read the article on ´find my lost dog´ here.


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